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Hopsburg Vienna Lager Tin Tacker


This awesome tin tacker features the label from our Hopsburg Vienna Lager which features Blessed Emperor Karl of Austria. All our tin tackers are uniquely embossed to highlight the features of our labels. All our tin tackers are proudly sourced from an American manufacturer in Texas. Holes pre-made on top and bottom of sign. Blessed Emperor Karl pray for us!

Full description of beer style and story behind our Hopsburg Vienna Lager here.

Dimensions: Approximately 16" x 9.42"

Weight 4.1 oz

Beer is not included.

Ten percent of the net profit of this product benefits The Emperor Karl League of Prayer. This is the American/Canadian Chapter of the League of Prayer that formally helps to promote the cause for Blessed Emperor Karl's canonization.

You may also support his cause for canonization directly here